Centre Pompidou-Metz - Katharina Grosse

Rendez-vous à Metz !
Immersion XXL au Centre Pompidou-Metz, à vivre jusqu’au 24/02/25.

What is the best way to travel with pets ?

Actualités Bip&Go

As soon as summer arrives, pet owners everywhere start to wonder how they’re going to manage their holidays and pets. Should they get their family/friends to take care of them? Or find a pet sitter? Don’t fret another moment, just take them with you on your adventure.


Without a doubt, one of the most important considerations is safety. The Highway Code does not provide any explicit regulations regarding the transportation of pets; they are therefore considered passengers in their own right and should not interfere with your vision or driving ability. Therefore, it is preferable to attach them securely and not to let them roam around the vehicle freely.

•    For cats, it is advisable to secure them in a closed pet carrier on the floor of the car or fastened to the back seats. This will prevent them from scratching or relieving themselves on the seats or your knees during the trip.
•    Dogs generally take up more space and therefore it is best to put them in the boot of the car behind a net or protective grid if this option is available to you. Otherwise, there are also harnesses available that allow the animal to be properly strapped to the back seat. If there is no harness, keep it on a lead in the foot well of the rear passenger seats so that everyone is comfortable.
•    For caged animals, they should not be taken out of their carrier during the journey and should be well positioned so that they do not become too shaken and frightened.


Just like for us humans, breaks are essential and very important for animals. They allow your pet to get some fresh air, relieve themselves and stretch their legs. It’s also a great time for you to get off the road and play with your pet before resuming your journey (don’t forget that it is advisable to take breaks every two hours). Think about providing a bowl of fresh water, so they don’t dehydrate, and some treats. Make sure to make them drink during the journey, especially during very hot weather.


We can’t say it enough: never leave your animal alone in the car (or with children) for long periods of time. If you need to make a quick stop, and your pet can’t come with you, make sure you leave your window slightly open and/or leave the air conditioning on so they don’t suffocate.
A broken paw is never far away! So don’t forget to carry your pet's papers with you as well as their vaccination certificates (health record or European passport). This applies to travel within France as well as abroad.

And whatever you do, don’t forget your toll badge. Journeys are much nicer with Bip&Go!

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Actualités Bip&Go

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