Electronic toll payment news

Find all our news and tips for travelling as comfortably as possible with your Bip&Go electronic toll payment badge.

Bip&Go News
Get the most out of your online account with ourBip&Go tutorials
You haven't visited our YouTube channel yet? Now is the time! Our tutorials will guide you through your subscriber area.
Useful information
Prepare for your journey on the A1 motorway with Bip&Go
To go towards Lille or Belgium, one of the best routes is the A1 motorway. This 211-kilometre-long motorway, known as the “autoroute du Nord”, links Paris and Lille.
Useful information
Prepare for your journey on the A13 motorway with Bip&Go
Organise your holidays, your weekend or your trip between Normandy and France. Don't waste time at the tolls with the Bip&Go electronic toll tag!
Useful information
Prepare for your journey on the A4 motorway with Bip&Go
Discover Eastern France via the A4 motorway with the Bip&Go electronic toll tag. Find all our tips and information on this route!
In which countries can I use my electronic toll payment badge?
Have you recently bought an electronic toll tag and don't know in which country to use it? We have the answer in this article.
Bip&Go News
Bip&Go facilitates your weekends and holidays in France
Need weekend or summer holiday ideas? Travel the motorways of France to discover our cultural heritage.
image yescapa
Bip&Go News
Discover campervan holidays with Yescapa | Offer Bip&Go
Discover motorhome holidays with Yescapa. Bip&Go electronic toll badges also work for class 2 motorhomes.
Voeux 2018 EN
Bip&Go News
Happy New Year 2018| From the Bip&Go team
The team at Bip&Go would like to wish you a Happy New Year 2018! No more queuing at the tolls, travel without stopping with Bip&Go electronic toll payment!
Carte France-Espagne
New service from Bip&Go in Spain
As the summer holidays approach, Bip&Go and Bip&Drive are joining forces to allow their subscribers to travel thanks to a new electronic toll service in Spain!